composition 1
EN 100, ENGL 101
Composition one is an introductory English course that focuses on essay writing, rhetorical analysis, information literacy, and foundational research skills. Content varies by institution.
EN 101, ENGL 250
This is an English course that builds on skills students develop in composition one and the content also varies by institution. Generally, it focuses on persuasive argument and workplace writing. It also continues to build on rhetorical analysis, information literacy, and research skills. This course usually requires the development of a significant persuasive argument paper.
EN 110
ENGL 305
The curriculum for advanced composition varies a great deal based on institution. For example, EN 110 is a sophomore level class that focuses on deepening persuasive argument skills, identifying logical fallacies in writing, and general research paper writing. ENGL 305 is a junior level class that requires students to not only develop research papers but also incorporate both quantitative and qualitative studies into their work.
~Helpful Writing Resources~
Purdue OWL: MLA Format Scholarly v. Popular Sources
Purdue OWL: APA Format Rhetorical Analysis
~Mrs. L's Short Videos for Ashford University Students, but useful for all English Students~
Arguments & Rhetoric Rhetorical Triangle - Ways to Persuade Developing a Thesis Statement
Developing a Paragraph Critical Thinking Thesis Statement - Additional